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    … and commenting on the reviews, right?????

    I anticipate that the storyline will involve them getting married so that they can have sex, but I know the show is capable of a better story than that… let's hope they pull it off.

    Yes, welcome to the difference between ABCFamily Mondays and ABCFamily Tuesdays.

    I am impressed already with how slowly they are portraying Regina's fall back into alcoholism.  I expected them to treat it as fast as they treat teenage relationships.

    Very Degas, indeed.  If you hadn't told me otherwise, I would have thought it was a Degas.

    Agreed.  I like that she is not perfect.  And she provides a nice counterpoint to the other adult characters on the show.

    Prediction: schooling for the deaf will become a campaign issue in John's election campaign.

    "Very curious to see where Toby’s rekindled relationship with Nikki goes. Are they hinting he’s going to become more religious? That’s a complicated story I think the show could handle well, if so."

    The actor who plays Noah is proving to be a great addition to the cast.  he has believable chemistry with both Bay and Daphne.

    Anyone have thoughts on Melody as a character?  I salute the show for providing her with enough depth to understand the emotion and motivation behind her actions, but there are times when she almost appears close-minded, teaching in ways that seem almost more as indoctrination of her own personal beliefs than

    To ABC Family, EVERYTHING is television history — a groundbreaking television moment!  A new kind of family!

    That jerk.

    Agreed.  Being selfless—that is, surrendering your wants and desires for what is best for others—beings true happiness while being selfish simply presents us with temporary satisfactions that are really only substitutions for happiness.

    Well said. This show really is a show about people who don't fit in, and it's at its best when it doesn't make fun of that but instead treats it as a genuine element of human nature.

    Can we all agree that Kate Micucci played that character very well?  I'm glad to see her on this show.

    Brick: "You do know I'm in fifth grade."

    I'm surprised Brad didn't show up in this episode to offer advice to Sue.  Really, though, the episode was so great that it didn't need him.  And Mike's line wouldn't have been as funny if Brad had been in the episode.

    Peter would completely go for boxed wine.  Elle is classier than that.  She's got culture, he's just along for the ride.
