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    Considering this show's track record, I expect to see an episode next season about them getting new wallpaper, or at least spend the whole season with shoddily rehung wallpaper.  That will just make this episode even more worth it.

    It makes those moments all the more hilarious.

    It makes those moments all the more hilarious.

    Don't try to apply reason to the actions of teenage boys.  Their minds don't work like that.

    Don't try to apply reason to the actions of teenage boys.  Their minds don't work like that.

    I don't think the show is trying to be conservative or liberal.  Instead, it just wants to be "normal," in its slightly skewed, somewhat absurd, usually a bit over the top kind of normal.

    I don't think the show is trying to be conservative or liberal.  Instead, it just wants to be "normal," in its slightly skewed, somewhat absurd, usually a bit over the top kind of normal.

    I shudder every time ABC promotes this show as "TV's Best Comedy".

    I shudder every time ABC promotes this show as "TV's Best Comedy".

    Fun Fact:  That other guy in the photo is Oliver Hudson, the brother of Kate Hudson and son of Goldie Hawn.

    Fun Fact:  That other guy in the photo is Oliver Hudson, the brother of Kate Hudson and son of Goldie Hawn.

    Well said, Brandon.  I really enjoyed this episode.

    Well said, Brandon.  I really enjoyed this episode.

    "Naturally, the tableau goes horribly wrong…"  I think you mean to say, "Predictably, the tableau goes horribly wrong…"  Modern Family is always too terribly predictable, even for a sitcom.  This season has really proven to me that the better show on ABC's Wednesday block is The Middle.

    Something The Middle does tremendously well (and rather often) that other shows don't even try — intersecting storylines without it being too clunky.  It's like a real family, imagine that!

    Rarely do we see more votes for one person than for another, actually.  Usually they either keep it even, or don't show any at all.

    It's definitely NOT Colton coming back next season.  But I woudn't rule it out in the future.

    A second hour would have been great, but per Oliver Sava's point, they had twenty something hours before this to tell the story they crammed in here.

    Say what you want about Jared Gilmore's acting ability, but he played a damn good dead kid.  Not even a flinch.  Too bad it didn't last very long.

    Kinda surprised the whole Astrid-being-shot thing was a nonstarter, but I appreciated the scene toward the end of her and Walter with the Red Vines.