
Totally did. If anything that is what disappointed me about it, and I realize as an adult that it's a reasonable thing, but they had to condense the hell out of the book and it still had a lot going on. But maybe I should revisit it now that I'm older and I've forgotten the book.

It was awesome. I took it for three semesters. In the first semester you were nobody. Anybody who stuck around past that had earned her respect. The best part was that there weren't enough periods to separate all the levels so even in Japanese 2 and 3 we were still in the classroom with the Japanese 1 class and

If they ever take down RapGenius I'm fucked. It's probably my third most visited site on my phone. Wu Tang needs fucking Cliff Notes to comprehend.

We all did. Except for the slackasses, whose work she referred to as "pukey."

Yeah I think that was her rationale. And it's a surprisingly accurate depiction of Japan. Whodathunk.

That is one of the most disappointing adaptations ever. I loved that fucking book. It was haunting as hell to a young me, but that movie was just goofy.

I watched fucking Battle Royale. That's right. At the time that shit wasn't even legally available in the US. Why did we watch Battle Royale? Because it was Japanese class and my teacher gave not a single fuck about what the school thought was "appropriate." She also introduced me to Kurosawa via Sanjuro, and

The only one that I'm feeling is the first one, but I'm a Wu fan so theres that

This song reminds me a lot of "Pass The Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind." Which I like more. But this is a good song too. Man, that might be Yo La Tengo's best song.

This is perhaps my favorite Eminem album now and it has a lot to do with his finally making an album that sounds downright fun throughout. I bought the negativity early in his career, but it made less sense as he went on. And Headlights is in my top five songs he's ever done.

Vampire's Kiss is incredible

Pizza in Italy is mostly shit. Italian-Americans do it better?

When I saw that he got cast in The World's End I kept telling people, "it's got like me five favorite british actors right now in the lead roles!" and almost nobody knew who Marsan was. So I'm for anything that can change that.

Eddie Marsan is awesome and he needs more recognition.


True. But he started doing both at a fairy young age.

I'm with you there. Compared to now, they are fucking genius. And for their time they were fucking genius too, don't get me wrong. But they are genius in a different way than Lau Kar Leung's choreography and their genius has less to do with cinematic presentation, in my opinion.

That would have been interesting, especially considering the vastly different fighting styles.

Yeah I'm with you, there are some scenes where it is incredible, like the O'Hara fight, the first dojo fight in Fist of Fury and the alley way fight in Way of the Dragon. But Lee's cinematic style, O'Hara fight aside, was better suited to him taking out waves of dudes than it was for one on one. I think that's what

No one really.