
So am I right in thinking that not only is Mrs Hudson a Trans Woman but in one iteration 'Clyde' is played by a Trans Turtle

there were several references to the Wizard of Oz in this episode - with the storm at the end rather than the beginning - and an underlying theme of 'there's no place like home'

I'm guessing that the glasses Peter gave to Lincoln will have a camera built in - allowing Peter to  get vicariously intimate with Olivia. This would also be a parallel to Walter observing the world via Astrid

I liked the spinning iPad joke - so good they did it twice

the various plots could well be connected by featuring characters whose actions are enabled by some form of transcendent belief
- the Fuentes with Santa Muerte
- Boyd and his pals by the self actualisation crap
- the Nanny with Catholicism
- Dexter with his code

having watched both the Branagh and Swedish versions I have to say that I prefer the latter - although the Branagh version isn't bad. The Swedish version has already been subtitled in English for the UK audience so it wouldn't be impossible or costly for a US broadcaster to show the series. Series I of the Swedish

there's a picture of Pete in his pyjamas in the AMC sneak photos for next weeks show

this may be commented on in a later thread, but as well as seeing DD cry for the first time it's also the first time I can remember seeing him laugh out loud like he did when playing Roger's tape.
I thought it was significant that the refreshed, rebooted Don opted to have his door open at the end - suggesting that he

Pete attempts to assert his superior role over Ken, but as tonights show indicated those power relationships can and do change, particularly when those on top are so insecure and self-destructive and those underneath are so ambitious and/or manipulative

Don has used the word shit over and over this season - I can't remember him being so potty mouthed before - another reflection of his shit life - like his shit coloured apartment

great art direction and other stuff
The scene with Peggy and the motorcycle seemed to embody a recurring use of intense colours against white backgrounds throughout this episode - contrasted with the murky browns, greens and greys of the domestic scenes.

I thought Abe looked a lot like a young Dennis Hopper or Gerard Hopper.

Interior design
Don't think it's been mentioned yet but they finally have their conference table.