Dave Moss

Seriously, what is Inspector Kito waiting for? He doesn't have enough by now to arrest Frink, Juliana, her stupid stepfather, the Trade Minister and oh, just about everyone else they've been coming into contact with on a daily basis — WHILE THEY'RE BEING TRAILED AND OR WIRE-TAPPED?

Hey there's a police officer guarding your front door.

Frank Frink bravely lets his gal rush into danger while he goes and waits for the bus. The name Frank Frink kinda fits him to a "T."

The Japanese Intelligence Department neglects to guard all the exits to the Yakuza Bar. No wonder they lost the War.

I'm going to pledge their sorority! Great production values in this video. It will definitely help this year's rush.

Law & Order: Special Vampires Unit.

I've read that joke about fifty times and it just keeps getting funnier . . . every single time I read it!

Oh, we're going to dance, baby. You and me. We're going to do the Wango z Tango!

So big bad Will Smith is wearing a suit of armor and the Harley character is walking abound like Lady Gaga. Doesn't that kinda make Will Smith's character look like a wimp? What's he afraid of? Bullets?

Wednesday Addams is just so gosh darn cute in this photo. One might say she's even "enchantressing."

It beats being Turkey Volume Guessing Man? Maybe?

Deadshot looks like an umpire. Is his superpower the ability to call balls and strikes with uncanny accuracy?

Indie movies are like being asked to help a friend move. Including covering food for the other volunteers.

Jennifer Garner needs the cash because those "other" credit cards keep on stealing her sky miles.

Hands Only CPR — that's How to Save a Life, my friend.

It got to the point last night where I wasn't sure if I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy or a long version of one of those "They Lived" commercials by Subaru.

McDreamy was brought down by his hubris. There ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO THE AIRPORT!

Shitter's full.

"In the comic, she discusses seeing acupuncturists, chiropractors, herbalists, and other specialists without getting an official diagnosis."
The crack alternative medicine team treating her recommended a cat scan. The herbalist's three year old Siamese cat with the one blue eye and the one green eye gave her a thorough

"In the comic, she discusses seeing acupuncturists, chiropractors, herbalists, and other specialists without getting an official diagnosis."
The crack alternative medicine team treating her recommended a cat scan. The herbalist's three year old Siamese cat with the one blue eye and the one green eye gave her a thorough