
I would wear that Batman symbol on a t-shirt.  Truth.

AV Club is really tame as far as racism, sexism, etc. goes.  The website for my local paper, sfgate.com, seems to have Klan members trolling the comments section.

AV Club is really tame as far as racism, sexism, etc. goes.  The website for my local paper, sfgate.com, seems to have Klan members trolling the comments section.

It's not just you.  To give Mr. Zombie some credit, he went with the less used #4 here.

It's not just you.  To give Mr. Zombie some credit, he went with the less used #4 here.

Obama could have been more lively, but I don't think it hurt his chances of winning.

Obama could have been more lively, but I don't think it hurt his chances of winning.

Love it or leave it, pal!

Love it or leave it, pal!

They actually play that music in our history classes while teaching us about Lincoln, so it works.

They actually play that music in our history classes while teaching us about Lincoln, so it works.

I find it incongruous that the words "human dignity" in the voiceover coincide with a shot of Tommy Lee Jones in that ridiculous wig.  There was nothing dignified about that.

I find it incongruous that the words "human dignity" in the voiceover coincide with a shot of Tommy Lee Jones in that ridiculous wig.  There was nothing dignified about that.

On of the commenters on this site referred to Liam Neeson's character's name as "Taken" in the Coming Distractions column.  I have been laughing about it ever since and trying to find a way to shoehorn calling his character "Taken" into a conversation.  Anyway, bravo, random commenter!

On of the commenters on this site referred to Liam Neeson's character's name as "Taken" in the Coming Distractions column.  I have been laughing about it ever since and trying to find a way to shoehorn calling his character "Taken" into a conversation.  Anyway, bravo, random commenter!

And she looks 50 in the trailer.

And she looks 50 in the trailer.

It's magical at any time, really.  Once when I was interning at the public defender's office a guy waiting for arraignment came up to me and asked if he could have his case called quickly.  I asked him what was wrong because he was pale and sweaty.  He says, "I have to go to the hospital."  Then he pulls back his

It's magical at any time, really.  Once when I was interning at the public defender's office a guy waiting for arraignment came up to me and asked if he could have his case called quickly.  I asked him what was wrong because he was pale and sweaty.  He says, "I have to go to the hospital."  Then he pulls back his

Some people (undecided voters, mostly) just have little-to-no grasp of the issues.  I spoke with an undecided voter in 2004 while phonebanking and I was just blown away that she couldn't even name an issue that was important to her.  She was definitely going to vote, she just had no idea what stance on what topic