
Some people (undecided voters, mostly) just have little-to-no grasp of the issues.  I spoke with an undecided voter in 2004 while phonebanking and I was just blown away that she couldn't even name an issue that was important to her.  She was definitely going to vote, she just had no idea what stance on what topic

They were playing a free concert in the park down the street from my house a few weeks back.  I couldn't work up the motivation to check it out.

They were playing a free concert in the park down the street from my house a few weeks back.  I couldn't work up the motivation to check it out.

The ignorance out there is astounding.  I had an interesting conversation with my dad a couple weeks back.  He's a republican, but from when the party wasn't crazy.  Anyway, he tells me that he missed Clinton and would take back his 2004 vote for GWB if he could.  I asked why he regrets his 2004 vote.  My dad answered

The ignorance out there is astounding.  I had an interesting conversation with my dad a couple weeks back.  He's a republican, but from when the party wasn't crazy.  Anyway, he tells me that he missed Clinton and would take back his 2004 vote for GWB if he could.  I asked why he regrets his 2004 vote.  My dad answered

He seems ok as a person in that clip.  He basically sounds like every undecided voter I ever spoke with while phonebanking.

He seems ok as a person in that clip.  He basically sounds like every undecided voter I ever spoke with while phonebanking.

I think you meant "Hollyweird."

I think you meant "Hollyweird."

That sounds like wisdom!

That sounds like wisdom!

I went through Boston on my 8th grade East Coast trip.  As we were walking back to the tour bus a guy approached me, opened his coat, and asked if I wanted to buy any of the (probably stolen and/or fake) gold chains and watches hanging inside.  I declined.  But I am still dumbfounded to this day that (a) people

I went through Boston on my 8th grade East Coast trip.  As we were walking back to the tour bus a guy approached me, opened his coat, and asked if I wanted to buy any of the (probably stolen and/or fake) gold chains and watches hanging inside.  I declined.  But I am still dumbfounded to this day that (a) people

I could see it getting made today, they'd probably just change the ending to what it was in the book.

I could see it getting made today, they'd probably just change the ending to what it was in the book.

I really love that movie.  But I have a hard time selling it to people.  Trying to convince friends who haven't seen it that an S&M-based movie can be a love story and not porny is difficult.

I really love that movie.  But I have a hard time selling it to people.  Trying to convince friends who haven't seen it that an S&M-based movie can be a love story and not porny is difficult.

I'm going to allow it.

I'm going to allow it.

Yeah, I think you're right.  It must have been 2007.