
Yes.  It's very funny.  Scrawler says it's not on Netflix streaming and I'll take her word for it.  But it was when I watched it a few months ago.

What really scares me is that 50 million people voted for our last president who basically did that for tens of thousands of people.

What really scares me is that 50 million people voted for our last president who basically did that for tens of thousands of people.

Super Troopers is one of my favorite dumb comedies.

Super Troopers is one of my favorite dumb comedies.

I was under the impression Ratatouille was a Dreamworks film.  Loving that movie makes a lot more sense to me now.

I was under the impression Ratatouille was a Dreamworks film.  Loving that movie makes a lot more sense to me now.

I hadn't watched The Office in several years.  I think I stopped watching regularly around season 3 or 4.  But I watched a random episode from the most recent season the other day.  Oh man, has that show turned bad.  I had heard Jim and Pam were boring now, but…I just…I never thought it could fall so far.

I hadn't watched The Office in several years.  I think I stopped watching regularly around season 3 or 4.  But I watched a random episode from the most recent season the other day.  Oh man, has that show turned bad.  I had heard Jim and Pam were boring now, but…I just…I never thought it could fall so far.

I haven't seen Dredd, so I'm just spit balling here.  But I could see a lot of young guys who aren't familiar with the comic or the '95 version enjoying this as an excuse to see slo-mo gun fights in 3D.  Unfortunately, that demographic is probably the majority of moviegoers.

I haven't seen Dredd, so I'm just spit balling here.  But I could see a lot of young guys who aren't familiar with the comic or the '95 version enjoying this as an excuse to see slo-mo gun fights in 3D.  Unfortunately, that demographic is probably the majority of moviegoers.

She lost me was Punch Drunk Love being a "semi-misfire" and Boogie Nights and Magnolia being "messy."

She lost me was Punch Drunk Love being a "semi-misfire" and Boogie Nights and Magnolia being "messy."

What!?!  I'm guessing these were all years after the theatrical release.  I probably hadn't heard of them because I wasn't in the target audience anymore.

What!?!  I'm guessing these were all years after the theatrical release.  I probably hadn't heard of them because I wasn't in the target audience anymore.

Holy crap!  There was a Land Before Time tv series?

Holy crap!  There was a Land Before Time tv series?

I thought the same thing about TWD comic.  Seriously, another one?  I guess there are only so many story arcs to choose from in an ongoing zombie apocalypse story.  At least this militia leader has a distinct way of speaking, even if it is a bit cheesy and unbelievable.

I thought the same thing about TWD comic.  Seriously, another one?  I guess there are only so many story arcs to choose from in an ongoing zombie apocalypse story.  At least this militia leader has a distinct way of speaking, even if it is a bit cheesy and unbelievable.

Marx actually thought that Russia was a poor candidate for the worker's revolution because it was too agrarian.