


1. Gwyneth Paltrow is ridiculously gorgeous, despite the goofy look on her face above. 
2. Sean O'Neal was in fine form here. Bravo!
3. Despite all the pretentiousness, Gwyneth Paltrow has a point about rap being a good aerobic workout.  At least I'm assuming that.  I can't rap.  But it does make sense.  

1. Gwyneth Paltrow is ridiculously gorgeous, despite the goofy look on her face above. 
2. Sean O'Neal was in fine form here. Bravo!
3. Despite all the pretentiousness, Gwyneth Paltrow has a point about rap being a good aerobic workout.  At least I'm assuming that.  I can't rap.  But it does make sense.  

So, do they even play Motley Crue songs at Sea World or is this just a preemptive request?  Also, someone please confirm that Tommy Lee actually admitted that Motley Crue is terrible.

So, do they even play Motley Crue songs at Sea World or is this just a preemptive request?  Also, someone please confirm that Tommy Lee actually admitted that Motley Crue is terrible.

I got diagnosed with cancer while in law school.  And it certainly wasn't a walk in the park, but I never toot my own horn about it because I hear stories like this all the time.  I was lucky enough to have a treatable type of cancer which only required 12 weeks of chemo and two surgeries.  Also, I had insurance and

I got diagnosed with cancer while in law school.  And it certainly wasn't a walk in the park, but I never toot my own horn about it because I hear stories like this all the time.  I was lucky enough to have a treatable type of cancer which only required 12 weeks of chemo and two surgeries.  Also, I had insurance and

I generally enjoyed Chronicle, but I don't think the found footage-ish concept really added anything to it.  It would have been just as good without it.  I thought that all the floating cameras at the end and the love interest vlogger just drew attention to the short comings of trying to do a found footage-type movie.

I generally enjoyed Chronicle, but I don't think the found footage-ish concept really added anything to it.  It would have been just as good without it.  I thought that all the floating cameras at the end and the love interest vlogger just drew attention to the short comings of trying to do a found footage-type movie.

I read on AV Club's Tolerability Index that this secret agent also has amnesia.  If that's true it's a real bummer.  I was kind of excited for this movie. The idea of another agent in the same world as Bourne sounded fun.  But basically just doing a remake sounds terrible.

I read on AV Club's Tolerability Index that this secret agent also has amnesia.  If that's true it's a real bummer.  I was kind of excited for this movie. The idea of another agent in the same world as Bourne sounded fun.  But basically just doing a remake sounds terrible.

Haha. No. But they should have.

Haha. No. But they should have.

Ugh. In college I took a class called The Politics of Obesity because it sounded interesting.  It ended up that the class was all about how it's ok and totally healthy to be morbidly obese.  It took two overweight PhDs to make that BS argument.  They showed us some clips from this show in one of the lectures and I

Ugh. In college I took a class called The Politics of Obesity because it sounded interesting.  It ended up that the class was all about how it's ok and totally healthy to be morbidly obese.  It took two overweight PhDs to make that BS argument.  They showed us some clips from this show in one of the lectures and I

"At least you're not fom Spain or Italy. I've got a few friends from Spain, and it's nearly impossible for young people to get a good job there now."

"At least you're not fom Spain or Italy. I've got a few friends from Spain, and it's nearly impossible for young people to get a good job there now."

@avclub-e2ea4bc39f7bd1cbc63ae1035a4cf2ba:disqus has is right. Believe me, I've thought about going solo. But it is very difficult. Where I am you actually need experience to be on the appointment panel. Furthermore, going solo without a year or two getting mentored by an experienced attorney is just begging for an

@avclub-e2ea4bc39f7bd1cbc63ae1035a4cf2ba:disqus has is right. Believe me, I've thought about going solo. But it is very difficult. Where I am you actually need experience to be on the appointment panel. Furthermore, going solo without a year or two getting mentored by an experienced attorney is just begging for an