
My understanding is that Robocolypse was a book in the vein of World War Z and that the movie rights were bought before it was even published.

My understanding is that Robocolypse was a book in the vein of World War Z and that the movie rights were bought before it was even published.

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus That's interesting.  I'd never heard that chefs were crazy.  But I have one friend who is a chef and he is absolutely bat-shit crazy.  Fun as hell to hang out with, but crazy. So, stereotype confirmed!

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus That's interesting.  I'd never heard that chefs were crazy.  But I have one friend who is a chef and he is absolutely bat-shit crazy.  Fun as hell to hang out with, but crazy. So, stereotype confirmed!

I watched that.  It was terrible.  For the record, I liked the book.

I watched that.  It was terrible.  For the record, I liked the book.

I've never heard of this guy, but he sure seems like a tool.

I've never heard of this guy, but he sure seems like a tool.

I loved Kevin Smith movies back in the day.  But the last one that was even watchable was Zack and Miri.  I skipped Cop Out.  I tried to watch Red State and really wanted to like it, but I couldn't get past about 30 minutes of it.

I loved Kevin Smith movies back in the day.  But the last one that was even watchable was Zack and Miri.  I skipped Cop Out.  I tried to watch Red State and really wanted to like it, but I couldn't get past about 30 minutes of it.

This is crazy time banana pants.

I'm going to punch you in the ovary…Right in the baby-maker.

Wait…did the fireworks burn the world?  Was it an accident?  Or did you burn the world on purpose and celebrate with fireworks?  I want to know so I can plan accordingly.

@avclub-e7a493b9b2145a9a61cbd4a62c12b171:disqus Nice troll.

*starts texting*

I just googled my own email address and my cell phone number came up. That's disturbing.

Haha. @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus said "climax" and @avclub-edb4298fb247e84edd2dd6fe38c9ab78:disqus said "release."

Not that it rocks really hard, but "Los Angeles I'm Yours" by The Decemberists is a pretty great "fuck LA" song.  I've never lived there, but I've been there enough to hate the traffic.

The ignorance in Christian movies is really astounding. I went to the premiere of a Christian movie because a family-friend was in it.  There was a character who was obviously gay, and I thought, "Oh, that's cool.  That's really progressive that all these Christian characters are friends with this gay dude."

Credit where credit is due.  He was pretty funny on a Daily Show bit where he and Jon Stewart were supposed to have switched bodies.  I've never heard him sing so I can't comment on his abilities.  I will say that I was shocked, SHOCKED, to find out up thread that he was 18.