
Uh, yeah.  Yeesh.

Holy Goddamn Crap!  I am already pretty much forced to buy a more expensive ticket to the 21+ screenings because every time I don't some cheapskate who won't spring for a sitter decides to bring their 5 year old to the goddamn Hunger Games, or whatever.  (On the up side, they serve booze!)  Thankfully, most of the 21+

I grew up there and had the good fortune to move out and I approve of this message.

@avclub-ade723a6815e7dffd777dfb9719c8ad3:disqus I was working at Blockbuster in the early 2000s.  About once a week some customer would get pissed off with a late fee and say that they were going to only use Netflix from now on.  I remember thinking that unless Blockbuster changed dramatically they were going to get

I once saw a map that was color coded to show which movies were the most popular on Netflix by zip code.  It was really fascinating.  It was a map of the greater New York area.  You could literally choose what neighborhood to live in based on movie taste if you wanted to.

Not that that one wasn't good, but I've always thought that The Colour and the Shape was their best.

I realize that a lot of people think it's silly for interns to complain about, say, not seeing celebrities on the set.  But most unpaid internships, as constituted today, are actually illegal.

That movie was amazing.  However, "the fool" was the best part, not the intern

Kurt Cobain's kid is 18?  Holy shit I feel old.

Well, she looks well adjusted!

That plot sounds pretty similar to Hot Fuzz.

The "no thanks" button didn't work on PC/Chrome either.

I'm not the biggest fan of shaky cam, but it at least makes some sense in fight scenes.  Fights are chaotic, blah blah.  What I didn't think was unnecessary was the shaky cam when they were introducing Katniss in District 12.  Katniss walks by her cat-shaky cam.  Shaky cam pans across old man eating wings on his

I think the beauty of David Simon's argument is that no matter whether you saw The Wire or not, and if you did see it, it doesn't matter when or how, you are part of the problem.  We are all part of the problem. It's really very inclusive.  In these divisive times, that's exactly what we need: to all be alienated by

@avclub-f0a25fc22f6198ce61fe90730dc075e1:disqus I think we had the same professor.

I just listened to the tape on TMZ.  That is the funniest Chevy Chase has been in years (and I actually like most of his work on Community).

I watched Salt fairly recently and can hardly remember anything about it.  That is to say, it's kind of forgettable.

There is no way anyone could disagree with this (^^^) statement.  Even thinking about it brings tears of joy to my eyes.

Seriously! I watched the first season of Southland and I really enjoyed it.  But the whole time I kept questioning whether I was actually liking a crappy show.  I realize that Southland ran its first season on NBC, but it still had that same good-but-on-TNT feel to it.