
I didn't know until recently that you can get gauged ears surgically reversed and made into normal looking earlobes.  A guy I went to law school with had his earlobes fixed a few months before graduation.  He's now an employed lawyer.  Still a bad idea though.

Is nothing sacred!?!

I was going to argue with this, @avclub-e56eea9a45b153de634b23780365f976:disqus .  "Surely there are many other DC characters that people care about," I thought.  But after I hit reply and stared blankly at the screen for a moment I realized that you, sir, are correct. People really only care about Batman and

Fun Fact: When they charge someone with resisting/delaying an officer it's usually as an afterthought to justify the ever-loving beating the cops gave the defendant.

I find it striking that whenever a recorded meeting or phone call of a politician is played they seems to be unable to form coherent sentences.  There are a lot of long, awkward pauses, "umm"s, and whatnot that are only interrupted by some sycophantic yes-man.

One was ok but forgettable.  The other was one of the worst self-inflicted wounds in the history of the US.

I've never seen Terra Nova.  Do the dinosaurs show up more or less often then zombies do on The Walking Dead?

Even thinking about how much Nightcrawler owns at the beginning of X2 threatens to bring me to tears.

I ended up seeing Boys Don't Cry with a friend after she told me she had recently been date raped. Awkward!

@avclub-a8cf86b7e95be74b1204e22a9aab9cd0:disqus Muslims believe that to truly understand the Qu'ran and see its beauty it must be read in the original Arabic.

It'd be nice if it was a paranoid fantasy, except, you know, it actually happened.

Lori is just the worst.  Where was she on the characters you love to hate list?

I'd be happy with a different angle of what appears to be a Hitler Youth haircut on Jonah Hill.

I totally agree with this, but find her super hot anyway.

The British need the Falklands for "strategic sheep purposes."

This one goes out to Cookie Monster:

I liked the gag where they insinuated that the one fluffy dog ate the other one.  And I liked when the nurse couldn't insert the needle into Supe's arm and it snapped.

While I'm sure the glasses will look wack as fuck, the image is actually a doctored image of some Oakleys that have an mp3 player in them. I don't think any pictures of the Google glasses are out yet.

This is wonderful!  But didn't I see David Caruso gimmick poster on here a few days ago?

I never understood the appeal of watching/listening to horrific things on the internet.  That stuff just sticks in my head.