
Is this the one where the bad guy had a gun in the camera?  Clearly made a big impact on me as well.

I have a friend who was an MP in Germany.  He talks about shacking up (although he uses a less polite term) with a German war widow.

The concepts behind "Welcome to the Neighborhood" and "Who's Your Daddy?" make me weep for civilization.

A mathematician, a philosopher, and a lawyer die and go to hell.  Satan tells them that he's in a good mood and will give them all a weekend pass to heaven if they answer one question correctly.

I saw the Foo Fighters a couple months back and Grohl actually made a similar rant.  He poo-poo'ed "music made with computers" and called out new Coldplay as one of the worst offenders.  So I guess this is pretty consistent with what he is saying in this press release.

There almost certainly has to be a restraining order between to two.  How is it that Chris Brown can be Rihanna's birthday party or at the Grammys at the same time?

I agree @avclub-f073cd45cff903b9a6e8a810ecda129b:disqus .  I've literally never even heard of most of his movies.  The only one I've seen is Stop Loss, which I didn't hate, but honestly can't remember a lot about.  It was just "meh".

"Half Way to Butt Town" and "Which White Guy Am I" are downright hilarious.  Just caused a scene in the library with my barely suppressed laughter.

I first heard In The Aeroplane Over The Sea because I had my car stereo stolen along with the many CDs in my car.  To make me feel better a friend burnt a bunch of CDs for me.  Aeroplane, obviously, was one of those CDs.  It was so good I can forgive the thieves that stole my stereo/CD collection.

I love how over the top Nic Cage is.  He'll die for honor and dress up as a shaman for acting. 

My baby's riddled with arugula because I was so infuriated by Jenny McCarthy that I just chucked my salad all over the kitchen.

"I’m nothing like the Taliban"

I'm embarrassed to admit that I was really taken in by the marketing for the TMNT movie.  I may have even told my elementary school class that Turtle Power was my favorite song.  Thank God for internet anonymity.

I haven't seen Transformers 2 or 3, and I haven't seen the first one since it was in the theater.  Can anyone tell me if there are actually any buildings/cities left for the Transformers to destroy in those movies?  I'm under the impression from the trailer to #3 that they ran out of cities and just destroyed the moon.

"Friedrich concedes that he had read the 1978 Agreement when he signed
it, that he discussed it with other freelancers — in particular, the
topic of relinquishing rights which they may have had in exchange for
the possibility of additional work — and that he understood its
import," the ruling continued.

I like the idea of this thread.  I wanted to contribute but when I looked at my queue I realized that most of the things on there are tv shows anyway.

I find it amusing when people talk about needing to return to the Good Ol' Days.  I have a 78 year old friend who is refreshingly honest.  He talks about how the old days sucked.

Argh! That is so much better than the 1984 reference I was going to make.

I feel pretty bad for Lana Del Ray.  She's probably dreamed of music stardom since she was a kid.  Then just when she is under the impression she's about to become the Next Big Thing, she experiences a backlash before her first record even comes out. 

Wait, the Jersey Shore people were tourists in New Jersey?  I thought the whole point was that they were from Jersey (and were horrible, horrible people)?