
Cookie Monster just made my day. 

I was in second grade at the time as well and I remember this story being HUGE.  (No whale allusion intended).

Note: He's not smirking in the picture above.

Yes, Colour and the Shape was especially great.

There was actually a production of a BTTF musical at UC Santa Cruz a few years ago while I was going there.  They actually did a really good job.  They had a remote controlled car covered with a stuffed dog playing Einstein, which was pretty great.

"may not be the most innovative [music] you’ve ever seen, but it’s pretty solid, you know, for what it is"

It seems like my Netflix streaming video quality has gone way down in the last month or so.  I always watch through my Xbox.  Previously I had consistent HD quality.  All of a sudden, I'm watching blurry episodes of How I Met Your Mother. 

Writing an article about being a struggling indie band in Time magazine is way meta.

Alcatraz is for the birds.

@avclub-4b85256c4881edb6c0776df5d81f6236:disqus "Seriously, it's amazing what winning a bunch of football games and death can do for someone…"

I love O'Neal's anthropomorphized networks, movie studios, and the like.

@avclub-af08cd66f82d1b9317433323b7c69320:disqus Yes, I think that is part of it.  Shockingly, sometimes people that do or say crappy things are financially rewarded, so as a society we shouldn't automatically equate rich with good.

Am I alone in thinking that constantly saying you're rich is douchier and more annoying talking about chainsaw fucking a whore's cunt? Both are terrible, but somehow I think the constant moneybags routine is tackier.

I want to go there.

I remember really liking Babylon 5.  I recently rewatched the first episode on netflix and holy crap I was shocked by how bad the special effects were. 

This looks like a kidnapping proof-of-life photo.  Bon Jovi's blaze of glory didn't consist of being kidnapped by Mexican drug cartels, did it?

I thought so.

When I was watching MI:2 in the theater during the final fight sequence I whispered to my friend something along the lines of "The most humiliating way to die I can think of is being beaten to death by Tom Cruise."  I stand by that statement.

When I was watching MI:2 in the theater during the final fight sequence I whispered to my friend something along the lines of "The most humiliating way to die I can think of is being beaten to death by Tom Cruise."  I stand by that statement.

Yes.  I think we can all get behind "No Murder" (both a religious and functioning society rule) and "No Shitting on Sidewalks."  The latter is just gross.