
Saw the same in San Diego. Amazing.

Look at me mom; I'm ok!

Six baths and five bedrooms is a much more reasonable bed-to-bath ratio than R. Kelly's 14-to-5.

"I felt that in order to become a good person I needed rules" and hair, apparently.  To the extent that I care, I'm glad another human being is beyond this type of childish thinking.

I think the actors in numbers 6-10 and possibly Anne Hathaway have their own followings.  That is, people will actually see a movie specifically because they are in it.   The rest are, as Sean points out, simply lucky to be in huge franchises that people would see no matter who starred in it.

The song was "Lyin' Ass Bitch."

Nicole Kidman gives the movie studio $6.70 for every dollar they spend on her.  That sounds like a pretty good investment to me.  Show me a business where I'll get almost $7 for every dollar I invest in return and I'd invest in it.

That video is way too grainy.  I think that's really James Franco.

Might have…if I had any idea what Faygo is.

I just saw my first real-life Juggalo a few days ago (not a firstie)
Some girl in black and white clown make up tried to sell me pot brownies in the park. This being San Francisco, strange make up isn't out of the ordinary, but I didn't realize I was talking to a Juggalo until her two clown friends joined her.

It would be awesome if they switched the male lead halfway through the movie with no explanation whatsoever.

Problems I think I'll have with Lincoln Lawyer (I haven't seen it yet):
1. Your client almost always lies to you or at least holds something back (like the fact that they're totally guilty). This should not shock any criminal defense attorney.

Yes, I don't like it when actors who are only vaguely recognizable act like asses. I want my drunken, belligerent celebrities at Mel Gibson status. I don't have time to go to imdb every time some two-bit actor drinks his daddy issues away.

My local comic book store is in the Castro of San Francisco and Thor was *very* popular there.

"Her early work"
I'm going to be smirking all day thinking about that.

Wait, I'm just not getting it…

What's with the walkie-talkies? I have no idea what that is referencing. Will someone explain that?

If AI had ended after the Ferris wheel fell on the kid, it would have been one of my favorite movies. Well, "favorite" may be too strong a word, but damn enjoyable. That alien stuff at the end was total BS.

While the movie wasn't bad…
it was waaaaaaay overrated.

Sounds like
I can stop reading after the FIRST page.