Pennywise Esq.

Back off bozo, she's my wife now A-ha!

You may not like to visit but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still go or do you not think you do yourself a disservice by not educating oneself with child molesting?

Well it was more of an example of the trope All There In The Manual since plotlines in the game would provide either context or explanations for the events in the show and plotlines from the show would be either expanded upon or branch off into missions in the game.

Arguable in Shannon Elizabeth's case.

Or Ghostbusters…in SPACE!!.

Well considering Xenu is suppose to be the "Devil" equivalent you are correct to offer praise/support for the great galactic overlord especially in context of the article and OP.

*cue applause*

*cue camera orbiting sanziana in slow motion*


Even if no one is occupying it? Does it still retain the same meaning attributed to it?

No first you need a Kindle.

But can it still be considered a room then?

If the theory still holds then just four chords it would seem.

So he'll finally answer the mystery of what or how happiness could arise from a room without a roof.

Oh good, the validation of recording video in portrait mode.

Smoking is really good once you get to know it, its not that bad honest it just has a troubled past, but it can change!

But where's the money in that?

Play Asian of course! Remember he's a two for one. Plus he's done it before.


Well he said it himself, his interests are….singular.