Pennywise Esq.

Really you just want hot, sweaty brother vs brother action. So much pistol whipping….

From a certain point of view you could arguably be describing one of the plots that was going on in the Star Wars prequels.

I liked that film too NBC, but methinks you interpreted it differently.

She's not Jesus and you are not blind…really…yet.

Chances are it will be that Maria person, that templar spy that Altair hooks up with.

And before that he starred in a British series called Hex. He has no Shame.

Did you just pull a passage from Tim Burton's old emails?

Charming Avatar/Comment synergy there.

And then the lightning struck…

Take off the "e" and it actually is.

"Welcome to earth!"
"Are you sure? Sounded like "welcome to earf!"

He can but don't call him Surely.

How do you plan to deal with all the Final Fantasy 7 fanboys who will butt in?

Well actually the real long story short answer is that back in the day then Square soft were almost bankrupt, past games haven't been doing well and they had one last game to put out so in honour of that they named that game as such.

Probably doesn't help clarifying to concerned colleagues that you're laughing at Simba' s grief over his dad's death.

There is that Dickensian aspect to it.

You like his shirt?

You can only regret it if you preface that cheer with certain Robocop lines.

Please say Finn's first name or at least his alias is Moses!?

Well it may not be quite to the same degree but at least Rolf Harris got convicted even if the shit did apparently smile as he was sentenced.