Pennywise Esq.

Well in Amy's case i presume it's catching up on quality lesbian porn.


*Smash Williams hands him a charger, rolls eyes*

Ok fine, she makes us feel things.

Easy, just click his name and you'll find a pic of him which you've actually managed to describe more or less.

I wonder if it will be like that film Metropolis(?), the one with with Chris Eigeman since that is certainly what comes to mind based on the description, if so i approve.

So you're really okay with me touching your penis? It wont be sexual you know.

Well both do tricks, both stimulate arousal, unorthodox fashion sense, liberal application of makeup…but its not that old!

I can appreciate the truth in that.

Oi! That is my line!

What the fuck did i do?!

Actually he's not fingering her boob but priming the release of his white sticky stuff, which she seems okay with in a "that's our Spidey kind of way".

She talks like we talks, so that means most of her dialogue will be puns, Simpson quotes and AVC memes.

Try picturing a turtle on her head…see her now?

How can we now that he keeps appearing intermittently as the thumbnail image for that suggested link about celebrities with severe illnesses?

No answer to the why though huh, other than "Fucking Disqus" i imagine.

I see it too! How long will it last? Why?

Well there's kinja (the one sites like Jezebel and Kotaku use) and that appears to be even worse - though speaking of worse there's always the dreaded Facebook commenting.

The car does actually have a way of shutting it down…