Pennywise Esq.

Extremely Loud, Incredibly Tight

Hey now even we have standards, if anything we do it better…or at the very least with respectable audacity…

Such a film already exists though it is not a sequel and there is only one flying guillotine (attached to a rope mind) but it is a curiosity nonetheless.

Do you all remember Videocracy? This is the hip way of saying it making this a stealth attempt to restore that feature to the AV Club, Katie didn't think we'd notice, that we would remember, but I did. Question is, do we want it back?

With mirrors and the "flip horizontally" option in movie editor.

Probably because apparently two of the components of Tiger style are a solid position and maximum power and Dragon style is a hybrid of different movesets.

Thus the end of the final episode will reveal it was all the product of Ralph Wiggum's imagination.

Weelllll not quite since she semi-courted him for lack of a better word then got herself killed and then turned into a candyman type spirit herself, it was the project's occupants that killed him making it just another case of black on black violence.

O-okay though I'm normally disposed to femslash pairings something about this one works, a first for everything i guess. As the lady abides, here goes (oh God the pressure)…

At the very least they'll have a fight scene that lead to them wrestling on the floor, there will be sweat, a lot of exhaling, maybe a tear will be shed, all very subtext or not…

Heisenberg uncertain penis.

As long as it has Emma Watson they should be sated.

Now i look like a right tit….whatever, I've never seen them in the same room.

Just so you know that WAS Jennifer Lawrence up in that there header image not Tobey Maguire.

Maybe it's just me but the Anthonio track has to be the earworm of the film, equivalent to Drive's Real Hero. Mind you the same can't be said for the original version which in this case is the equivalent to methadone.

An unorthodox text based MMORPG.

I'm sorry but I'm going to need some preamble on this one I mean it's clearly set post movie but what about Kristoff? And how did this event come about?

I would but people seem to take issue whenever I do *shrugs shoulders*

Nope that was all about the king staying the king, the nugget scene was one of many that took place on the orange couch.

Actually it is exactly enough, it is a portmanteau for all intents and purposes.