Pennywise Esq.

Unless it's animated, then all the denizens of the animal kingdom, mythical or real, can come.

You mean Dailymotion, right?

For God's sake man, she's 18 and you have the emotional maturity of blueberry scone! So stop fluttering about and have at it!

Try giving them some candy. Kids love candy, ergo kids will love you.

Well it took till the end of the film for James Bond to even get to first base with her and he's a bit of a rapist!

This has been debunked ages ago, all that happened was that with of the assistance of a bunch of ragtag space travellers, JFK went back in time to shoot himself.

That is the sort of thing a racist would say, but on the upside you're not a misogynist or an imperialist.

Arguably that honour belongs to ITV.

"Did Perd Hapley' s non union Mexican equivalent write that synopsis?" was my first thought.

But calling them sweetcakes is so old fashioned.

*cut to a shot of Marlin about to pierce his fin with a fish hook*

"Why d'ya have to go and flush the cistern?"

She just needs to drink one and a half pints and she'll be fine, better even.

"The gavel is my penis."

Nah i think they turned it down to appear in some sci-fi movie.

Well thanks to Netflix I'm aware he narrated a documentary his sister made about the graffiti art in northern Ireland concerning the troubles.

Well the only other explanation is that it was conceived from a captcha entry.

…he toyed with Paris's heart while he was actually crushing on Rory!

What a strange game.
