Pennywise Esq.

Is that you Braxton of the Jimmy Kimmel show fame? Get rid of that haircut boy, you're mum/dad/legal guardian is wrong!

Although i know exactly the anime you're referring to, technically there are about two other middle school lesbian anime, either one capable of offending these people's precious sensibilities.

A show about some dude who works as the sole cook in the burger joint, has a pet called Gary, bit of a square but not quite though his pants are.

Not to mention that Wigs webseries as "Vanessa" where one instalment you can interpret as a spiritual side story depiction of what Jane got up to in LA.

Though given one direction his storyline can end up and/or depending who side you are taking with consideration to his implied backstory, did he really though? *orange lines materialise* -> @ Praise the Sun?

Ahh yes, those guys, you must be referring to the were-crows (aka legs with wings) in the Painted World of Aramis and their special attack that can one hit (sort of) KO you if they connect. The trick with that attack is to look out for when they start telegraphing it (crouching and shaking) and then run up to them,

Given that fan theory, Ferris Bueller from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

No, those just make you real tired, tad forgetful one might say.

Love is a legal high.

Until it can be otherwise escertained, they're on Bay-watch!! *rimshot*

Pretty sure by what he has written makes him a Bay moderate if anything.

Okay - "the enthusiastic positioning of visual and audio recording technology adjacent in close proximity to sizeable curves of subject - presumably (but not limited to) the female gender"

Very good Michael, short, but pointless.

Oh be quiet Vash!

Well he did briefly wage a battle with the infected type zombies, word has it a lot of innocent people died up there - more than he previously knew.

"Must be something to do with Tom Hardy or whathisface, carry on" - Scrawler's colleagues

As well as fuck off abs, we are but lowly mortals compared to him.

You must of missed The Onion's coverage of our future lord and ruler. Probably what informed her choice.

Think of the children! Oh wont somebody please think of the children?!

Huh, the timing of this would suggests that Halle Berry or Jeffrey Caine follow the Extra Credits series.