
Why is it always about moving to Canada? You don't like brown people so Mexico isn't a choice for you?

Who are you talking to? The horde of Trump supporters that visit the A.V. Club? lol

So I guess you're out campaigning against all the liberals who constantly scream at people, calling them racists, misogynists, etc? Lena Dunham recently said she wants to see all white men dead. Is that intimidation in your book? Or is it cool because it's people on the left doing it?

So, it's aliens, right?

You realize that PLENTY of states have nutjobs that want to secede, right?

I believe he was in the newest Riddick movie? Can't remember seeing him in anything else recently. He's killing it in this show, though.

Willow was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Val Kilmer was my hero for a long time because of it.


If it was a complete boring waste of time I wouldn't waste any time on it. I'd, I dunno, waste more time here like you and have hundreds of posts arguing with people on a message board about TV reviews. Because that would be a MUCH BETTER waste of my time.

For the snobs claiming only idiots watch gaming streams and that "you could just be playing the games", do you think people ONLY watch streams?

I find myself in a weird place. I understand cuts have to happen because the show doesn't have the time, budget, etc. to follow the books to a tee. So when I watch, a lot of it is like the books and I'm like "Hey! That's in the books!" But for some reason it isn't as interesting as it could be because I already

Yes, because being a liberal involves all sorts of being educated and well read.

Such a shame. The Daily Show was the only real libertarian show on TV. I doubt I'm going to be able to find another show where they constantly rip on politicians on both sides of the aisle and show how screwed up government is in modern America.

Finally, the end times for Dewey Crowe. You will be missed, Dewey. It's a shame you weren't able to get that $6 blowjob before you went out.

Who here is supporting the Republicans? Ron Paul only ever joined them so he'd actually have a career in Washington, since anything other than Red/Blue Shit/More Shit gets stamped on, ridiculed, and never given a chance.

Good on you! Instead of voting for evil old Ron Paul you voted for the child murdering Obama. Great choice!

You admitted to being a Catholic. So we KNOW you aren't as smart as you think you are. No matter how little you think of your own intelligence. Give the Big Imaginary Authoritarian Who Resides In The Sky and Who Doesn't Believe In Condoms a hello for me. /wink

Name one thing the private sector hasn't been able to get done that the government has. One thing. It doesn't exist.

The government doesn't provide cars for people, yet somehow cars still get made so people can get from one place to another. The government doesn't provide food for people except the exceptionally poor, yet somehow people can get just about any food they want.

Ummm, I'm really bad at the maths and all, so this might be wrong. But I used my trusty computer calculator and took 31,940 gun deaths and divided it by 310 million people. My computer calculator spits out some weird e to the whatever number and I multiply that by 100. I get .0103%. Not 1.3%.