


The fact that Jillian ultimately complimented and apologized to Kevin clinches it. Plus the important fact that it's not "Jillyan."

She's brilliantly funny and self-deprecating. Killer combo.

This entry doesn't say anything about Japan. Can someone confirm that this is an actual thing in Japan and not just kind of racist?

The Smiths> Morrissey
I don't think it's "strange" at all that affection for The Smiths is applauded while affection for Morrissey is derided. Johnny Marr's music writing was amazing… Stephen Street (Smiths' producer who wrote the music for Viva Hate/Bona Drag) was capable. The vast majority of post-Bona Drag

I decided to give it one last shot (week 4), and am decidedly out. The writing is awful.

grace cathedral park
just thinking about that song makes me choke up a little bit.

torq's really channeling the morrissey in the chorus of this track. he didn't even do that in their cover of this charming man.

I was sad…
… when I read this review. But I saw it anyway, and I'm glad I did, because it's brilliant. The violence is clearly meant to be mocked, and the violent scenarios get more and more ludicrous and creative, which, in my opinion, quite effectively prevents the "novelty" from wearing off.

i wanna hear more!
is this true? if so, where are all the new york avclub readers with more URAMWs?

late conan rerun
This reveals way more about me than I ordinarily care to admit, but if you're up on the West coast right now, the late Conan rerun is the selfsame Mystery episode!

I lost it for Parker when I saw her Apple commercial where she described how totally amazing and fun roller coasters were. Then I regained it when I saw Waiting for Guffman. Then lost it and gained and lost it again with the myriad great and awful career choices she's made.

going blank again again
But don't you wake up by the time Time Machine rolls around? And you wake up with the happy buzz you got from Leave Them All Behind.

Does this remind anyone else…
… of an extended Washington Mutual commercial?

brilliant. have to check the rest out still.

all he has to do…
… is wait out the current administration by filing for continuances and what-not. Because the next administration, regardless of whether it's run by a Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich, cannot possibly be as asinine and cruel about Cuba, right? Right?!

FINE, Josh
I'll give the new Bloc Party another shot.

seen before?
Isn't this just Homer aping all of Krusty's stand-up routines?

belaboring the main point
She's distraught that she "gets screwed over so much and she works so hard" on her show that was handed to her where she does nothing but live her life.