
The Hader
I was lucky enough to catch an advance screening of Superbad last week… it's hilarious (I love Michael Cera and Seth Rogen, who play their standard characters), but I was really disappointed by Bill Hader. A couple of his lines were really awkward bombs. Jonah Hill and that new Ed Helms looking kid were

repeat comment
sorry about commenting on something already answered… my comments hadn't loaded or something… mumble mumble…

No Smithsy riffs?!
Have you HEARD "We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank"?

Why did you answer that question? If you put "kermit sesame street" (w/o quotes even) into Google, you have your answer.

Michael Richards' commentary on the Seinfeld DVDs is so pretentious and joyless, it seems like he lost his sense of humor a long time ago. Certainly before that intensely unfunny stand-up routine.

The Bratz trailer was cool…
…until I realized the voiceover was "four inseparable friends," not "four insufferable friends."

<—- this fucking ad!
Is anyone else having problems with this annoying-as-fuck Cuervo ad? It's blocking the text on every page it's on.

… bears an uncanny resemblance to Ed Helms 25 years ago. Or so I imagine.

Not feeling the analogy…
Aside from the fact that Eddie Murphy was a far better comedian than John Mayer is a musician, Rick James (both as songwriter and scene-stealing video star) doesn't fit into the analogy!

Promised Superstars
Don't knock the promised superstars… Prince actually gave them some cred on that front last year.

i before e?
Amelie, I'm a devotee, but you can hate more authoritatively if you spell kIEfer and gEIco (from yesterday's post) properly.

I always have a strong urge to play with Oliver Platt's face like it's Play-doh.