
Not in real life! Hep C makes it more likely you'll get cirrhosis and HCC, drinker or not..

Actually Hershel's list, or at least the one Daryl asked for pronunciation, was an anti-viral. Think along the lines of Tamiflu - probably to attempt to lessen course and symptoms

My thoughts too—as there was a conspicious absence/mention of the other universe in the Observer's dominated universe. Do they take over our original universe's time line in a few years?

Yeah, I thought this was the best they've had since the premiere—the absurdity of the grandmother, the constant step-ladder of bullies, Stan's video, and the strangely catchy song at the end, pretty darn funny. Who can think the grandmother bits fell flat when she kept amazingly turning up the heat, until the….gummy

Man, Alex Mack got old….time to re-write my fanfiction…

If the show is saying that she's indian, we're doing pretty well for ourselves on primetime, jai~! Suck on that, Outsourced!

Absoutely agree—Scrubs started when I was in med school, and the first three or so seasons of the show really do mirror the absurdity and frustrations that happen during the whole medical residency process. By far the most realistic medical show, especially regarding the mindset of new doctors. It was a show that

You bite your tongue, Argyle was a true american hero—though he did ice the only other black guy in the movie that wasn't Carl Winslow….

Lot of blood from that scene. Isn't this zombie-infection spread through bites/blood? These guys get covered with alot of gore in this episode, some of them with open wounds, but none of them get infected! What gives—are we to believe this is some sort of magic xylophone?

Sweet delicious mello yello, stupid Yellow 5 controversy.

I rewatched the scene, and he only possibly lost a portion of his calavarium exposing his brain (in addition catastrophic injuries everywhere else). My doctor training makes me wonder if it isn't within the realm of possiblity especially in shock (at least the walking out part)—I mean, he did die essentially seconds

Poor Ron Silver, he almost became president before melting into goo….

Well, that wasn't too bad