Kilometers Davis

Most of the comments here seem to be about how realistic/tense the fight scenes are, and that's all well and good. But…
Is anyone else bothered by the advertising? There's a line referring to the fact that the main character is about to lose the old family home that says something like, "When life gets you down, fight

A friend of mine here in Chicago broke into that mall some years back. It was already abandoned when they shot the film; they restocked it for the movie, then it just got abandoned again. It became a popular place for drug dealers and addicts, and there was a double homicide in it at one point. When my friend broke


I'm a casual fan of Prince's music, but I've always enjoyed the Boy George dig that "Prince looks like a dwarf who's been dipped in a buck of pubic hair."

Maybe this was covered before, but…
Why exactly doesn't Alicia just tell Peter's mom why she's leaving him? I mean, I get that she won't tell the kids to protect their image of their dad or something, but her mother-in-law certainly isn't going to tell them, it would get her to lay off, and there doesn't seem to be

I also like the laid-back vibe; it seems to actually enhance the voice work. Also, while I understand the flaw of the "liberal/artsy strawman," I particularly enjoyed this one. A friend's former girlfriend was way into capoeira. We went to a party or two where her training group showed up. Those people were

This may not be the right spot for this question, but… does anyone remember the Mooney Suzuki being about to get really big?

Agreed with El Crab. Walter is clearly talking "to" the Big Lebowski, for whom he has unalderated anger throughout the film.

As far as I can tell, in everything he's in, Czurchy thinks he' s playing a character named Captain Smuggy McSmuggerson.

Beerrun is a lot of fun, but he has so many better songs, so I'm glad you'll give him a listen. Some of his more explicitly maudlin songs don't really work for me, but he mostly does a nice job writing simultaneously hilarious/moving stuff.

I believe you mean "The Library Policeman."

Love it
Snider has been one of my favorite musicians for years now. His live shows are always great, no matter the venue. Calling the stories on the disc "padding" doesn't seem quite right. As the review suggests, if you've seen his show, the stories are simply a part of it. Otherwise, glad to see this review. One of

I generally think Billy Corgan's a bit of a tool, but he had a great comment some years back about how grunge bands really blew it. Pearl Jam stopped touring because of the Ticketmaster thing, Kurt Cobain killed himself, Smashing Pumpkins brok up, etc. Hell, even Stone Temple Pilots, a lesser band among those, lost it

Never found woods porn, but found other woods stashes, like cigarettes and beer.

Oh, I get your point, and I agree.

"I don't get the Lady Gaga thing. I mean, plenty of people sing mildly catchy pop songs, and plenty of pop/rock stars wear funky shit. How is her combination of the two somehow original?"

Two things:
1. The novel of the same name is indeed quite entertaining, and this doesn't seem to be it.
2. That's not what happened in the book; he get shot by his target and meets the pregnant girl. Another girl gets thrown off the balcony.

Again, decent-looking, not bad, these I agree with. It's the striking part that sticks.

One point of contention
Townes is awesome, his music is lovely, couldn't agree more, but one thing… "Strikingly handsome?"

Big sigh…
Hooray, another movie with New York as the centerpiece. Hasn't anyone seen About Schmidt, for fuck's sake? Shit happens elsewhere.