Kilometers Davis

America has always looked sexy. For shame.

I believe it's an age thing
If a band full of twentysomethings with floppy hair and motorcycle jackets was making this album, all the review would be about how fucking awesome it is, true rock's savior has come, etc. But for now it's just another Tom Petty album. B- my ass.

Up In the Air
I would also like to add that the ending completely fucks up with the film's ultimate message. We're supposed to think, "Oh, look, you need people to live." But clearly she had people, and she was still fucking around with George Clooney.

Alex and Kent
I don't understand why Alex would quit his dance company. Even if he wins, the best he can hope for is to get a job on the show, or perhaps in a ballet company in a large city, like say, Miami.

Yes. That's what makes zombie stuff good - when you can use it to comment, not just make bloody stuff. I think Shaun of the Dead did a decent job of this, too, especially in its first half.

I too
am tired of all the zombie shit. However, World War Z is the fucking bomb.

Yeah… They all went by numbers and not names, they each wore a different mask, they apparently even had other nicknames.

Has anyone mentioned yet
that David Allan Coe is waiting outside to kick your ass?

Yes, she sucks. However, I do want to wide on Shania's Twain.

That fucking "Survivor" song
The Woo Girl next door to me in grad school used to blast that shit everyday. Then she would have loud sex with her Ow Boy boyfriend.

That is not meant to be a firstie, failed or otherwise. I swear.

My only regret in life
is that I did not name my first-born son "Kurtwood."