The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Perhaps I lack a deep enough knowledge of the old-school roasts; I wasn't aware of that.

The secret weapon.
In our rush to piss on everyone participating in these roasts, let's not lose sight of the roast's producers' canny ability to bring someone to the dais almost every time who seems completely out of place, like a ringer placed there to bomb for the enjoyment of the professional comedians, but who

LCD, at least that joke of Sorrentino's that got cut was actually recognizable as a joke, and not a random self-aggrandizement.

For fuck's sake, Staircar, can we just make it ONE DAY without you talking about Cazale's sizable parts?

Total Narc, I just want some more replies on my Golden Girls slash fiction. The rest is all just extra.

I'd hoped his death would be the end of this.
I'll never grasp why the AV Club is so incessant in pushing this idiot on us.

I Can't Believe It Is Not Asshole! Find it in your grocer's freezer!

Close this thread. Regular Gonzalez just won it.

All right, Crimboween. I begrudgingly admit that I found that funny.

SouthofHeaven, I doubt I could possibly want a probably-apocryphal story to be true, more than I do right now. Thanks for that.

I usually at least make an effort to be a good person…
…who doesn't wish death on people.

Both were outdone by her acceptance OF a short film guy backstage.

"God Moving Over the Face of the Waters" by Moby
Because it's the first song that popped into my head after reading the article's title, and it fits.

However this turns out, you and me are done professionally.

Yes! That's one of two lines that I immediately think of when I remember Preacher.

I'm sure it adds body.
The one-sheet for "Dan in Real Life" repulsed me enough that I purposefully avoided the film until I happened across it on cable several years later.


I don't get why everyone thinks Diabolique is so great. It just seemed like a quickie cash-in for Sharon Stone after Basic Instinct.