The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Lest we forget cooties.

Who's Andy Dickatchecker?

They let women in the Pro Bowl now?*

Bo Knows Necrotic Fasciitis.

I've been mis-hearing the lyrics all these years?

I'm holding out for the Temple Grandin game for the 3DS.

If it opens wide…
…I'll come and watch it.

Haysoos, that is the funniest thing I've seen on the Internet in days.

I've met none of them, and yet I want to punch each of your family members and friends. Right in the tooth.

Because, between these two posts, you've now spent twenty-four bucks.

He's got a point, though. These talkies may well be the death of Hollywood.

(sheds a tear for how fucking awesome Ed Norton was in Primal Fear)

Oh, Christ…
There is way too much optimism and hope and Gordon-Levitt appreciation for this clandestine casting choice to be anything other than Robin.

I liked this.


Oh, MillerHighLife, I'm still laughing. The rest of the thread is fine, but plumbing up a reference I'd forgotten was enough to get me today, it seems.

With a knitted depiction of an ejaculating penis across its front.

I assume there's no need for me to invoke the Jackie Mason vehicle "Chicken Soup," which I believe was heavily advertised in a post-Super-Bowl premiere timeslot that let the entire nation quickly determine it was shit.

"I got my first boner feelings from Mrs. Huxtable. "

"From the skin out. Get me to the tall corn," said in exasperation, has gotten me more than a few raised brows.