The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I have no idea why, but "Holiday (FROM EXERCISE)" made me laugh out loud. Cheers, sir and/or madame.


As I humbly submit TO Naomi Watts.

All I was really hoping for was that they'd finally finished the Minus world. I've been stuck in that level for ages.

Somewhere Shabba Ranks just burst into hideous-looking tears at being stripped of even this dubious honor.

He always lox it down.

Neither is particularly well-complemented by Brussels' sprouts?

Headline's misleading.
I fail to see how Mick Foley is going to be directly affected by this.

Despite all his rage…
…he's still just Nicolas Cage.

@ Anywhere I Lay My Head:


I second Spartan.

I know we're supposed to be all snarky cynicism all the time here…
…but that clip of Potts' first audition washes me over with goosebumps every time. It's a wonderful moment, and I feel so very happy for, and proud of, a man I'll never know or meet in the moment his life changed.

David Caruso would never ride by on lazy cut-and-paste material like this.

Wait, did I miss a thread about how much we all want to verb some subject's object?


Brilliant. Thanks for a great laugh, you.

Several Nigerians have three-fifths of an objection to your claim.

Perhaps I'm just about to fail a geek check, but isn't it "Throat-warbler"?