The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches


We'll wait until you get there to repost this. Start walkin.'

Because they heard Chad was nearby.

This show is at an immediate disadvantage due to no one being able to say its name.

Wait, so I've been pronouncing it wrong this whole time?

I don't know if you're quoting something or if that's all yours, Sir Osis, but you had me laughing.

This wasn't particularly funny, but I can't deny it made me smile. Well played, twins.

(falls into a sort of pot-and-kettle meta-hole)

Neve Campbell was hot?

Pretty sure they meant Jon and Jordan Knight, dude.

They're also for the children.

Silly guys. 29 grams is the weight of the soul of a copy editor. They carry quite a burden beyond what we can comprehend.

Then I guess you're not ready for this thread.

Equal gristle, I suppose.

Partial upgrade?
Anakin will still be one-dimensional, though, right?

Only at a groly hore.

(screens the Justin Bieber 3-D remake to a stunned, silent audience)
…I guess you guys aren't ready for that. But your kids are gonna love it.

Can't read this now. 'Batin.

I'm not sure what it says about me…
…that I glanced at this headline and saw "ABC acquires some Good Charlotte, bitches."

The Scurrilous Case of Benjamin's Bankrobbers.