The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

2Wycked, I cannot stop giggling at your first post in this thread. Cheers, sir/madame.

I wrote for Paste, freelancing in their videogames section…
…for a short while in 2007-8. They jerked me around pretty thoroughly when it came to my getting paid for the work I did. The model appeared to be


Chartex hit this one right on its avarice-filled nose.

Cusack only got this job because he didn't resist the advances on The Casting Couch of Amontillado.

Monkey, your comment gets instantly funny if I pretend it's being said in the same tone as an actor finishing with, "Aaaaand SCENE!"

2:36 PM hit some of us harder than others.

You misheard him. He actually shouted, "We're goin' to adopt Paco!"

Bathroom stall graffiiti doesn't lie.

Much like Ben and Casey Affleck…
…I feel this is just another case of Brad's bigger star power overshadowing the talents of his brother, Sarlaac.

Yeah, but when you can make him yell out "ALLLLLLLLL RIGHTY THEN!" at the end, you know you've done something banal.

@Not Jackie Chan: I laughed.

I'm sorry, I was too busy making sweet love on my wife, and I couldn't hear you over the clatter of her breasts.

He's obviously disturbed…
…but, then again, could you realistically expect less? When seven ate nine, he was forced to just sit there right next to it as it happened.

Plus, the motherfucker made you fight him TWICE on the way to Mike Tyson!

Spaz, just because you were in to the hilt doesn't mean you were "very deep in." For one thing, she didn't even wake up.

"[It's] like A Prairie Home Companion, only with slightly more vomiting."
And there's your publicity poster.

Your firstie attempt was shit, but the post you followed with made me laugh out loud. So, I suppose, fuck you and thanks.

(blinks several times)

Thanks, Catherine Obvious!