The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

He had to blow Mel Gibson first.

P.O.D. released their album "Satellite."

It's like swimming against a stream…
…but it's a battle I have to fight, one occurrence at a time, even knowing it's in vain:

And those who just walk on by know I'm too hard to lift.
And, yo, this ain't Aerosmith.

…and the girl's probably dead.

Phel, you remind me that this flick introduced me to the opening (and, I stand behind this, best) moments of The Rolling Stones' "Gimme Shelter" when The Guy Who Could Be Paul Rudd If He Tried Harder is driving the sitter and kids to pick up their car.

Alternately, they wisely position the camera behind Nathan's ass in Uncharted 2 as they play, to aid in their lady's moisture levels and eliminate multiple airborne fowl with the propulsion of a single projectile.

Pleasantly surprised to see Majin mentioned here…
…it seems awfully under-the-radar to make a preview like this on a nongaming site. Here's to a wider audience.

I have to question the accuracy of that statement; it stuck out like a thumb that is sore, the whole "Andy Serkis directed this game" statement.

That is equal parts terrible and amusing.

I, too, eagerly await getting this reference. Someone, please spill.

I just thought he was really, really good at franchise mode in NBA Live.

It's spelled "Alyx," you ass!

The fact that you listed them here tells me that they're not ready.

Whenever I hear a comic tell recycled jokes, I blow into their nose to make them stop, because it works with dogs to make them stop doing something.

I'm really glad other folks here noticed the bizarre additions of canned (and way too enthusiastic… and inanely timed) laughter to Kathy Griffin's set.

Best Halloween ever.
I was Max Headroom for Halloween one year, due to the tireless creativity of my dad.

This John Madden thread reminds me of a much better one that Brett Favre was in charge of once. Man, I tell you, he was just having fun out there, running that Internet thread. Like a kid out there, that Brett Favre.

On a less serious note: homina homina homina, boobies.

Hmm. I'd better stop masturbating until we sort this out.