The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

That's actually called a flyswatter, you dumbfounded dipshit.

Stumps Deathbed may be an old coot, but he's a local treasure. Just let him have his rotgut in peace.

Absolute landslide win in favor of Dark Passengerside Airbag. I snorted.

Agreed, 100%.

…is filled with peanut butter!

Sorry, I was gonna throw one of these in, too, but I'm drawing a blank, man.

No, but here's hoping for:

And to think, there was only one entry in the Madam Curie lookalike contest. For shame.

I audited both.

Body count?
At one point a character mentions the shooting that killed Keamy and several others, but it wasn't until later that I got to wondering if the body count was correct. It was a quick throwaway line, something like "low-life thug named Keamy and three of his goons," but I couldn't remember either the number

We're supposed to go on riverboat gambling trips, and talk about pussy!

I've only watched the first three episodes of Party Down, so far, but the hardest laugh for me so far was when everyone was expecting Schwarzenegger to appear at the party and the boss says, "What are you gonna think, when you walk into a Souper Crackers and see me shaking Governor Schwarzenegger's hand in a picture?"

Oh, I don't know, he seemed to do an awfully good job pretending to enjoy Shatner's company at the Comedy Central roast.

As much as I hate to admit it, the 2003 incarnation of TZ had a pretty solid and creepy episode which starred none other than the acting luminary Jessica Simpson. That and the Maple Street remake are the two highlights of the '03 run, for me.

Also, "The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank" has some amusing moments.

That's the twist. He thought he'd been writing for weeks, only to find a single page of material.

"Walking Distance" is an episode I've found more and more touching, the older I get. It is a truly beautiful look at the old wound of nostalgia.

It's odd to me that they chose that name.
Not the title itself, just the character name Phillip Morris.

(slaps you)

Attention Internet Denizen: your Jackie Brown reference just got RECOGNIZ'D!