The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

A true hack writer…
…would have at least led with "Desperate Housewife Pops Cherry" or a similar variation.

I believe it's actually George Can't-stand-ya.

Or a fortnight paramour to Britney Spears.

On this board, with my fellow reprobates…
…there's no way to say this without it sounding untoward, or instantly degenerating thereto. Nonetheless, I have never seen Ms. Henson for what I didn't immediately want to give her a big hug. She just seems like a lady who makes you smile if you're around her for any amount

All this stopping, and no collaborating or listening to be found. Van Winkle be shamed.

(What an idiot…)

It pissed me off to find that someone is still buying Snoop Dogg albums in years beginning with a 2.

Just booked tickets.
My lady and I will be a mere 23 rows from Conan when he comes to Austin.

Well, if he's still sporting the pirate costume, he'll be able to play it off as real commitment to a Jack Sparrow impression.

"funnyman Russell Brand"
Why are those three words in the same sentence? I demand answers.

Clark the Aardvark went to the park after dark and drank Cutty Sark with Marky Mark.

The joys of paraphrasing…
…allow us to pretend to live in a world where Tom Cruise, in the late eighties, used the phrase "jacked up" to describe something other than a car.

That's a bloomin' onion of a theory, there.

That's a pretty tall fence.

I was going to ask this if I didn't see a comment about it first.

Raiden - (does naked cartwheel)

Joseph, you'll be able to cut-and-paste your first comment in this thread over and over again for many years, I fear.

I know this makes me a boor, but "gameplay" is meaningless. Saying you enjoyed a game because of its gameplay is like saying you like a specific dinner because of its food-eat.

Disagreement on the Internet! Film at eleven!
What is the logic behind this statement?

"Heaven Can Wait (Until I'm Done Fucking) "