The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Well, Mexican babies are known for their spicy, hotheaded natures.

Keep him talking, so your mom and I can finish in here.

Apropos of everything…
…the Starplex theatre where "ASS" is showing is actually the Starplex Theater, in my stomping ground of San Marcos, TX, maybe five miles from where I'm typing this right now.

Over Borat?

And that was my coat, you prick.

"God save us from wacky, free-spirited, high-on-life, absolutely unique female leads…"

Damnit. I had plans for the weekend, but now I've got to track down and fight you jokers who keep disrespecting Memento.

I earnestly love that two of you, miles and miles above this comment, championed Spartan for inclusion. I have never recommended that film to anyone who had ever heard of it prior to my breathless ravings; it's nice to know that the film actually exists outside my fevered imagination.

Oops. You're right.


This sounds far less skippable than I'd originally deemed it.

To the sounds of dozens of black theatre patrons' discussions, if I assume correctly that you left during the film.

These two posts are fried gold.

Best review I ever saw, of Georgia Rule:

LockLEAR? More like LockJAW, when you're done with her! Eh? Eh? Y'know?


She mainly just wanted the room to stop spinning.

Because he's had sex… WITH A GIRL!!

I'm of the opinion that Shyamalan peaked early, with the one-two punch of Sixth Sense and Unbreakable (both of which I believe to be ingenious films), which makes his following output manifestly lesser in the way that sex with a woman is lesser than that one time you were the guy in a girl-girl-girl-guy foursome.

I skimmed it, but I agree with lotosesser: Jesse Pinkman is an inchoate.