The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I'll toss in a few fresh ones I've not seen listed:

No Rising Stars?

How myopic an asshole does one have to be, to declare that a list of opinions "loses all credibility" because it fails to conform wholly to one's own opinion?

You could see ceilings if you went into first-person view in the Atari 5200 classic "Whore," but there wasn't much to see, owing equally to technical limitations, the general sameness of ceilings, and your vision being clouded by tears the whole time.

I ejaculated eighteen times just reading that sentence.

Not one person guessed that I was supposed to be Don Knotts. Goddamnit.

I will break you… and then do a bitchin' fill.

I've already bequeathed Houdraig's mom a few things, if you get my drift…

Hey, I have a Black Pussy friend.

Vic Morrow had a soft spot after that film, too.

Sorry, Hammer, but I'm not much of an RPG guy any more, regardless of the degree of Westernization involved.
My previous two picks notwithstanding, the last three spots in my personal subjective Top Five would be fought for between:
—God of War
—Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
—Hitman: Silent Assassin
—Metal Gear Solid 3:

Yabets, that is a tough one, a top five for the PS2 that doesn't infuriate you with what you have to leave out…

The scale also sagely sidesteps the fact that Journey is awesome.

Goddamn, so do I. That's hot.

Plus, I hear her mom's got it goin' on.

I can't believe it took so many posts before someone up there mentioned Ice Cube. The glare helps, but the anger in his voice in some of those early tracks makes the scared white boy in me check his drawers for piss.

Holy shit, it feels good to post after the Governor just admitted to seeing a quarter of these feces-smeared embarrassments (which is also the name of my band).

Trust me, you're not losing much.

Don't be talkin' jive about Puds Mackenzie.

You have just described the source of my eventual night terrors.