The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches


I have no strong opinion on the band, either way…
…but if you can watch the video for Good Charlotte's "Hold On" without crying, you are at most a robot, but at least a stronger man than I.


Danny Pintauro would work, too.

He's not one to go off half-cocked.

Professor! I think I've got it!
No, seriously, I do. I bought it the other day.

Was Schwartzman acting in Funny People?
Because everything I've seen of him, be it film role, interview or what have you, lends the idea that he's exactly THAT smarmy self-absorbed prick you just want to make swallow his own teeth forty seconds after meeting him.

Wow. I've been quoted by ZMF. Is this how it feels to be a father for the first time, or something?

So I guess it's not just a clever username.

The conversation went in directions we weren't shown.
Zack, you can add three inches to your girth overnight if you buy these pills from xxxGenericPills4Uxxx! You should head to my website and check it out! Yahweh, or whatever, would want you to!

This is one of the shorter Daily Buzzkills on record thus far.

Hey, that's weird, teadoust's wife JUST told me that she woke up this morning feeling incredibly unsatisfied, as if she'd just endured something frankly pathetic and underwhelming.

Okay, Bascule, we get it, you like Horsefellow. That's no reason to retype random posts he's made in the past.

OtP, you are absolutely right, my fellow vulgarian.

I'm glad WWOFTBBNR was educated on TANSTAAAFL, so I can GBTWIWDB*.

Willingness to sign up as a charter member of The League of Extra-Accommodating Gentlemen.

Oh, sure, when Chantal Akerman does it it's a MASTERPIECE…

Other than the chlamydia he already gave you, I assume?

My life swings on the fulcrum that is David Caruso actually being David Caruso. Please do not debunk this.

He's let himself go since Foreman beat him.