The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I just don't like how exclusionary he is. What if I want to be a fan, but I'm into both having sex AND making love?

That said, the underground freestyle battle between Ja Rule and Brett Favre is truly bangin.'

As long as the ample decolletage of several women of loose virtue gets thoroughly doused in Cristal, I'm fine.

That Taco Bell commercial, along with any other commercial that finds it too gauche to depict a world where people have to pay tax for their purchases, makes me irrationally angry on a level I'm not prepared to deal with in the moment.

Professor! I think she's got it!

Hope there isn't bloodshed.
The rivalry never seems to die, but here's hoping snap.org and pop.edu can settle their differences with these fellows.

Holy shit, my life DOES have parallels to Twilight…

Dude, lay off the weight jokes.

I used to question the stereotype about black people talking in movie theatres, but by the third reel I was tired of him telling me over and over that he shot a kid.

You need to hang out with some of the balls of snot I've met. Not a dry wit among them.

Yeah. THAT'S why you turned the vibration up.

If you're just handing them out, Fred, can I have the next BJ?

Goodbye, Bill. (click)

This exact same thing once happened to Casper Van Dien.

(fills Slowdive's hat with urine)

It's not just any woman who can brag that she's had eighty-two fingers inside her at the same time.

It never fails to make me laugh that, in the eyes of Jay and Silent Bob, Good Will Hunting is known only as "the Mork movie."

You haven't lived until you've gotten a table dance to the sound of the Grammy-winning It Takes A Village, read by Hillary Clinton.

I must begrudgingly admit he has definite charisma and can be quite funny. But his career as a commentator is hindered, I believe, by the ridiculously low register he speaks in. He's practically inaudible when he's interviewed post-game, and even in Shaq Vs. Ben I occasionally had to watch his mouth very carefully…

Well, for one thing, it's not 1995.