The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Ye gods.


Heh. Boom. Roasted.

"Has anyone seen my kid's college fund? (sigh) Oh, bother…"

At what length do they legally become nippppples?

Is spelling your compromise?

Romijn went on to Jerry O'Connell.

As if there's a way to say "I just gotta get a new spam blocker" that ISN'T badass. Pssh.

Reading your post makes me embarrassed for idiots, Leto.

Funny. I always heard it as "guerilla dust." I have no idea why.

I don't know shit about UFC, but I once read an angry review of Joe Rogan's color commentary that, for reasons unknown to me, focused a whole paragraph on "his giant fucking bags under his eyes, and his constantly chapped dick-sucking lips."

(singing) Frodo was a paranoid gnome…

That was my first thought too, Jorge.

Even The Most Interesting Man in the World didn't get interesting until around age twelve.

I'd melan her choly.

I'm serious. I will dropkick those fucking dogs.

The previews for 2 Idi 2 Amin make it look like warmed-over death.

By definition, they are.

I could seemingly post this addendum in any other thread on this board, as they've mostly each turned into "Jeremy Piven is a douche" if they didn't start there, so here's this nugget:

First of all, zing.