The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

They can't all be Edith Wharton.

*Stumbles slightly molting*

You'll fap at a Sonic speed.

The misuse "ATM Machine" goes hand in hand with "PIN Number," though.

Muffucka, I BE keepin' it real.

You just beat the rush on that one, mbs.

"Arsow" is more or less what I yelled when I fell on my tailbone once.

I thought it especially classless how she offered to pilot a ROFLCOPTER to the funeral ceremony if needed.

Chris Tucker Imitates Asians.

Critics are already calling it "a rousing spectacle with an uplifting message…

Context is everything.
To think, all this time I thought the nice fellow I met online was warning me that Les Miserables Isn't Really 'Lezzy.'

Yeah, it's down the hall, second door on the right.

Is it considered meta…
…if I laughed out loud at the LOL anecdote at the end of this article?

Given how he'll launch into impassioned defense for Chairman of the Bo(red) if you let him, I assume he absolutely loves this new idea.

Hey, AJR. I'm beneath the AV Club Austin umbrella, too. Cheers.

But where can I click to get a free ringtone? And can I have an opportunity to play Mobsters?

And just beneath that, the essence of all posts by TomWaits' many haters.

How on earth did you pick just one member of the Entourage cast to bestow the douche title on?

That, and "Do you have this shirt, but two sizes smaller?"

Wait, what? "Books"? I'll have to look into just what these odd-sounding things are!