The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

No one was great in that.

Oh yeah?
Well, hey Austin/San Antonio area, come see this gently-used VHS copy of Fried Green Tomatoes with me, at my place!


Does he?

I don't know, I kinda like Joe's reaction to "One free kiss from Joe if you are a guy."

Well, then, what am I?

By "action" he means "jail time."

Regardless of the accuracy of your statement, the suggestion therein (that Jon Gosselin is "famous") somehow makes me angry with you for speaking.

Here's hoping the best for her.
Not really any joke to make here, sorry.


Without a trace of sarcasm or irony…
…I've declared for years that Boogie Nights is one of the absolute highlights of film in the nineties.

Well! I know SOMEONE who's getting taken off of my Christmas card list!

Well, at least there's that.

*guy busting taboos.

From this picture it looks like I went in for a comedy, but it turned into a buy busting taboos in steed.

The fact that Shyamalamadingdong forgot to do it in this most recent film doesn't indicate a trend, yet. But, gods willing.

I do.

Personally, I'm glad for Jigglemania.
I was worried we'd see a sharp decline following John Madden's retirement.

I don't give a shit about this show or anyone on it.
And yet I've gone to the effort of posting this comment.

Okay. I guess I'm a loser. But I'm a loser with totally bitchin' hair. So there's that.