The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

God's gift to comedy is, obviously, Rita Rudner.

No Conglaturation for you, then.

Half of the Altered Beast script is already finished, too.


Any true Canadian knows you're supposed to END your comments with "eh."

Exhibit A through X: Freakin' Memento.

Loved "Catherine Moves On," loved her drive-bys here, and loved the episode I can't fully recall at the moment where she and Lisa are standing together in the ladies' room and Lisa says that some inter-office strife shouldn't make them turn on each other.

Blow me, Hatin. Use teeth at your discretion.

Even being straight, I can't think of a film that would hurt if it had a giant blue cock tossed in now and again.

Spinach's comment, in conjunction with hot dogs' reply, is the funniest thing I've seen so far today.

That I had to look up at your comment nine times while typing this sentence refutes that claim, GH. Or confirms a blunt head trauma in my recent past it smells like burning in here.

All right, I'll try.

Um… you've got a… is that a piece of scrambled… egg?… right there… no, a little more to the left…

(resumes listening to Wichita Lineman on his earbuds)


Good points, Lazers.

Well, then, I guess I'm a douche. I'll not apologize for being intelligent.

Oh, great, now my monocle tastes like Everclear and eggnog!

But Michael Jackson know fear? A thousand times no!

This is my sipping mayo.