The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Audiences who weren't yet burned out on torture porn showed up in droves for Four Bothers, too. Despite having the same director as Hostel For Dogs, there wasn't much going for it.

That's terrible.

"Fun" "fact"!
If you start this book at the exact same time as hitting Play on a copy of the "Sixteen Stone" CD, it totally blows up.

Did they, though?

If you buy the hardcover version, Farnsworth Bentley holds an umbrella over your head as you read it.

Attempting to honor The Departed as a fine movie loses some of its luster when the same accolade was just draped over Babel two sentences prior.

I was busy making love on my wife, and I couldn't hear anything over the clatter of her breasts…

"Secondhand Dildos" was Haley Joel Osment at his finest.

Ye gods, I WISH it had only been fifteen seconds.

I preferred "The Boy With The Striped Pair of Snap-On Pullaway Pants."

This is absolutely motivated by concerns for slacking ratings for the Oscar broadcast. No matter how they spin it.

I learned from IMDb that James Garner was in Murphy's Romance.

Will they ever come out candidly…
…and just refer to this as the "Dark Knight" rule?

Bucky, that's been my go-to every time a celebrity breakup involves an absurdly hot woman. No joke.

You shut your mouth, Ricin Beans, or I will stop masturbating to this black and white photocopy of a bootleg DVD slipcover for Adventures in Babysitting, and come over there and give you what for.

I don't get why her name, in particular, was the one to surface, either.

Che: Part One vs. Che: Part Two.

Having once been told by a woman in a bar that she had to do a double-take on me to make sure I wasn't Brian Posehn, I have no empathy for Billy Reuben Brown whatsoever.

I'd watch the shit out of some Dongle.

That comment made Louis Pasteur look like Sirhan Sirhan.