The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Quid Pro Quote
Well, Buttafucco to you too, Matthew!

He's already made that "140 characters" joke, back when there was some story about a Twitter movie. I thought the same thing at first.

The AV Club Movie presents a unique challenge in that there are strict laws on how much you can work a child actor, and yet the film would have to include Zodiac Motherfucker.

(bludgeons Jared Leto to an unrecognizeable pulp)

Huh. I took the "What 80's Porn Star Are You?" quiz and got the same answer.

That cracked me up but good.

Meanwhile, I can't get The Ubiquitious Mitchell Lundquist off of my couch for the past week.

Thankfully, International House of Pancakes: The Movie won't have to change its title for ancillary and overseas markets.

You forgot a three at the end, there.

Right, so you can imagine the hubbub when that cow got loose.

That's sound advice almost anytime in life.

It's like dining in the old country!

Really? Well, we'll just see if I can Hope Floats that trend.

For more reasons than that, I assure you.

I'll send Steve right over.

I feel this is a calculated move on AV Club staff's part, to thwart our snark.

As much as it pains me to say…
…the douchebag kid makes exactly one salient point.

Surprisingly, they're all Pro-Dessert.
Ah, from the mouths of babes…

I've spent the last five minutes laughing at the image of Kevin McHale fucking a dude in a tent and then getting stabbed to death mere inches from his impossibly short shorts.

Well, maybe I'll have to give them a chance after all, then.