The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Don't worry, the whole film isn't all Bergman and Truffaut references.

I can't contain myself at the hilarity and irony of Zodiac Motherfucker calling something "played as fuck."

It put hair on my chest (not my own hair).
I believe, earnestly, that Friday the 13th Part 3 (D) helped usher me into manhood in one key way.

I almost posted a Martin Landau joke.

Salient question.
Would Ticketmaster swipe back at Tom Petty like that?

It becomes a sort of deranged Who's On First after awhile.

"Fergie" hasn't held any appeal for me since her Kids Incorporated days.

I know he's a musical icon and all…
…but, other than "Jessie's Girl," I can't think of another song in his catalog.

Long list or short?

Among Edgar Winter Group fans, or the general populace?

To this day,
I randomly drop "Thank you for opening my big fat asshole eyes!" into conversations with soon-to-be-former friends.

These jokes are the greatest thing since sliced thread.

I'm sure this is hilarious, but I have grown too lazy to continue copypasting each of these into a translation engine.

The difference this time is that some of us will be clothed.

How about the legendary

Nor that he tried to revamp his career later on by rebranding himself as "Corky Nemec," as if that is somehow an improvement.

Isn't "Poop on your finger, ruin your father's funeral" among the deleted lines from the Hokey Pokey?

Having sat next to T-bone on the bus, and having spent the first hour of my workday fervently wiping off my laptop case, I can verify every detail of his comment.

I believe you're thinking of Zodiac Motherfucker.

Obviously, they're follicles of dreadlock claimed from a Predator.