The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I just sold, not nine months ago, the copy I'd been given as a gag gift eons ago.

Where the Upward Mobility Ends is really a timeless book, isn't it?

Give it six months and Rogen will be right there next to him at the Dumpster.

I KNEW that wasn't Splenda!

Well, insofar as the blowjob makes it a special occasion. Shit,
"Wednesday" can be a major holiday name if it needs to be.

Same basic premise does not necessarily mean same finished product, as you well know.

Oh, so am I, my friend. So am I.

That sucks. My lady and I are seeing it anyway, though, as we both have small crushes on Zach Galifianakis, and because today's my birthday and she'd even go see a horror flick with me if that's what I wanted. Luckily for her, I'm not a huge Sam Raimi fan.

Hey, way to go, man! High five!

Le sange es sur la branche.

I never got around to reading it, but I'm always amused at the title of "…Staggering Genius," as it reminds me of a high school buddy who lit upon the brilliant idea of writing a novel titled "Number One New York Times Bestseller!" just to attract rubberneckers.

Well, shit.

As long as it's just the once, okay.

That's odd.
Iranian police are usually so well-known for their collective keen sense of humor.

He had to do something to pass the time while your mom entertained me in the next room.

Hey, now. Competition is good for the consumer.

Dude, will you invite me to your next pool party? Sounds hot.

At a glance,
…the headline to this story made me think it was about Gary Payton, as if there's any story after 2001 that could be written thereof.

How much ass did Zodiac Motherfucker have to taste before he knew that a pipefitter's was the most scathing one to wield against someone else?