The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

This thread went to some interesting places, considering its humble origins as a quick showing-up of David Caruso.

I found a stack of my dad's Playboys once.
It was much hotter than Gary Lewis.

With any luck, Michael Bay!

Hmm. Comment got respaced, and an already not-funny joke somehow hit bedrock and started digging. Ne'er mind.

The mere conce pt of firm teenage boobs
has made it so I have to type comments
space out like th is, just to see around the
warm streak tha

Wait, wait, Tim, talk slower.

Ah, jeez, I STILL didn't get that speck of dirt off of your sweater! Let me try one more time… nope. Gosh, is that little sucker resilient!

The winner, and STILL heavyweight champion, is Guarding Tess!

Do yourself a favor…
…and don't ask Harley Davidson about him. Good god, I thought the anecdotes would never end.

She's one of the materialistic greedy bitches in that press release up there.

That much sunglasses-centric maintenance is going to take a toll on your spellcheck time, one imagines.

Children are the future, but the future is doubleplusungood.

Seriously, Jorge?

"I always wanted to hug dudes." Soce, The AV Club Boards

I know they're addicts…
…and their "disease" should be recognized, but hell, these freakin' huggies need to be changed immediately, before their shitty situation trickles down to the rest of us. The whole situation just stinks to high heaven.

Having never spoken aloud, Tim Duncan has yet to prove or disprove this postulate.

More to the point, we don't want to.

Hey, that's right in ZMF's wheelhouse.

Huh. Looking at it again, it's easy to see it as a shitty mustache over a surprised mouth.

You didn't warn me you were gonna post that! I nearly pissed myself!