The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

It's gonna suck so hard.

Cut open one side of the leather pants so you can climb in the window, one assumes.

Yes, Asperger's can be delightful.

Trust the word on the streets.

Given the similarities, I think Archie may grow up to BE David Caruso.

Jennifer Aniston's desirable?

"That guy's weirder than a five-dollar bill."

I completely agree, Dino. Even as a yout, I wondered why there was even a competition. Betty was clearly the superior choice, was more friendly to be around, and fucked like a goddamned wildcat (I may have embellished the facts a bit while reading this as a pre-teen).

Look out.
Danza's gonna be pissed when he hears about this.

are a bunch of fucking idiots.

I'm sorry, that's incorrect. In no universe does Two For The Money own anything whatsoever. It is balls.

Thank you, Lemur, for the terminology. I've been grasping for the right way to describe her hairdon't, and Pennsylvania Bitch works.

That is a funny mental image.

He chose this role…
…because Kevorkian has a GREAT ass!

Or that demonic puppy that Conan always had on the show, sitting on a throne while eerie organ music plays? EVIL!

By someone who saw only that and Paul Blart: Mall Cop this year.



I feel you're trying too hard to make this joke work.

But the pictures are so big!