The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Along with Jenna Elfman, one hopes.

I've been asking this for years, with ever-rising incredulity.

I must sheepishly concede your point.

Eli Place
promises to be even better, then turns into a mostly underwhelming experience.

Even better!

If you could just keep your dad busy for a few more minutes, your mom and I will be able to wrap this up.

You wouldn't last a week on the Creek!

My mental image of the staffers is once again badly mistaken.
For no reason I can fathom, I always just assigned Jonah Hill's face to any comment posted by Josh Modell. I haven't really watched any of the Taste Tests before last week, so I'm only now beginning to realize I've got a lot of "oh, THAT'S what that person

My affinity for Caruso notwithstanding, Gentle Herpes' response cracked me up.

…it could be worse. At least my nose isn't gushing blood.

Oswald was a fool.

Surreal Estate Agent, the Phish article is the next one over. Honest mistake.

But Donna Bowman know fear? A thousand times no!

Newsradio coverage resumes.
I will make an understated nod to cover how ecstatic with glee I am that it's finally time for more Newsradio goodness.

Then you'd think we'd see more endorsements by Fox News.

I thought that said "This is God's dong" at first.


Borat? Please. Not while there's still so much humor to be mined from Napoleon Dynamite!

That comment was a little pitchy.

Mostly on account of Righteous Raspberry's presence on the menu.